1. Welcome to Theia Troubleshooting & FAQs¶
1.1. Using This Guide¶
This troubleshooting and frequently asked questions (FAQs) guide is meant to complement our detailed Software Documentation by providing a question-based guide to self-diagnosing errors and issues in Theia Markerless software. If you are looking to learn how to solve an issue you have encountered in any Theia Markerless software, you have come to the right place.
1.2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)¶
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section contains questions and answers related to the following topics:
1.3. Troubleshooting¶
The Error Messages section addresses specific error dialogs that may arise during the use of Theia3D or TMBatch.
The Visible Issues section addresses issues that you encounter with your data that are not specifically flagged by an error dialog.
The Other Issues section covers all remaining issues related to the user interface, tools, or data.
1.4. Contact Us¶
If you are stuck on an issue, have encountered an issue not documented here, or have any other questions, please let us know by reaching out to our support team at: support@theiamarkerless.ca